Shipping Info

When will my order arrive?
All orders will be processed the sameday . Once your order is ready and in stock (If not in stock we will let you know)it will take between 5 to 7 business days by UPS Ground.( allow 2 days for us to ship your order )

How much is regular ground shipping?
We have set our shipping rates as low or the same as other companies. Our rate is $6.00 on every order, no matter what your total cost is.

How come I have to pay taxes?
It's the law! We charge 7% tax on all orders

How can I have an order shipped Rush?
Rates are significantly higher for rush delivery and on all shipments outside the continental United States. Therefore, we encourage buyers to avoid using rush delivery service and to have goods shipped to a physical address, to minimize shipping and handling costs. However, there is a Rush option available. Please contact us for pricing.

Can I track my order?
Once we ship your order, you can track it quickly and easily online. (Remember, allow 2 days for us to ship your order before you try to track it.) Click on the tracking number that will be sent to you by email and you will be at UPS tracking site. Just follow the instructions on screen.

Is International Shipping Available?
Yes! Remember buyers in areas outside the continental United States pay higher shipping and handling rates because all carriers charge higher rates to ship to these areas. Please contact us for pricing.

Have questions on this or anthing else? You can email us or leave  your comments an we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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